Health Reforms

Public health is closely associated with the people’s welfare. Malaysia is often touted as a country with good public healthcare service which is also accessible to all. However, we are already seeing hints of our public healthcare system becoming overstretched due to current developments and population increase.

The COVID-19 pandemic has tested our public healthcare system and exposed its vulnerabilities. Access to clinics and hospitals is becoming more limited, with hospital beds becoming more occupied to the point of overcapacity. Fires and damages at hospitals are also  signs that our public healthcare infrastructures are in desperate need of an upgrade. The Contract Doctors’ Strike also highlights another flaw in the system.

HARAPAN believes that healthcare reform must be done immediately before it is too late. The welfare of the rakyat is in parallel with the general standard of health.

Health and Welfare

Shifting from sick care to healthcare and wellness including addressing social determinants for health such as poverty and preparing health education and equal access to healthcare for all.

5% in 5 Years

Increasing the Public Healthcare Expenditure to 5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 5 years in order to keep up with the national population growth, increase in lifespan, and current needs.

Mitigating Rise of NCD

Giving special attention to overcoming the rise of Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) by focusing on primary care, health screening, education, welfare, public health, and reduction of harmful habits including smoking.

Health Commission

Establishing a Health Commission which will tabulate and monitor the execution of the National Health Reform Plan with the Economic Planning Unit, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Education to solve systemic issues including healthcare financing, decentralisation of power, public and private partnership (PPP) and others.

National Health Services Commission

To solve the contract doctors conundrum, HARAPAN will set up a National Health Services Commission to reinforce the management of human resources, staffing, training, and career growth of healthcare staff.

Service Delivery Reform

The national health service delivery reform will cover reduction of waiting periods for procuring health services, modernising health facilities, and establishing flexible operating hours at clinics located in high population areas.

Safeguarding Welfare of Doctors and Healthcare Staff

Public hospitals operate on shifts instead of normal working hours. This is similar to other countries and it is done to ensure specialised services are available to all segments of society and also to optimise usage of public healthcare and medical facilities.

Expanding mySalam

Expanding the coverage of the mySalam program to the M40 group. This program will cover critical illnesses and admission to hospital for coverage of health assessment and mental healthcare including counselling.

Expanding PeKaB40 to M40

Reinforcing primary care and prevention through systems based on the capitation of General Practitioners where families are protected by a system of family doctors who prepare regular health assessments, health consultation, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Ageing Nation

Placing special attention towards the ageing nation agenda to prepare for 2030, when more than 15% of the national population will be aged 60 years old and above. Execution of this agenda will move in tandem with the Humane Economy policies and the SiagaJaga Plan.

Suicide Decriminalisation

Hastening the amendment of Section 309 Penal Code to decriminalise suicide attempts. Those who are facing emotional and mental turmoil need to be supported by the community, not to be punished.

Mental Health Protection

Investing more attention into increasing mental healthcare on a holistic approach which includes insurance schemes that cover mental health issues.

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