Environmental Protection

The environment is a blessing for us that has also become our responsibility to preserve. The climate crisis, if not swiftly addressed, will adversely affect the future of our children.

HARAPAN has outlined several key issues involving climate emergency, finding the best formula as a plan for climate resilience and flood mitigation, pushing the nation towards net-zero carbon emissions while also emphasising the economic and welfare aspect of the rakyat.

Climate Change Act

Tabling the Climate Change Act which will set targets for carbon emissions and forest coverage by 2040. Efforts were started by the Pakatan Harapan government but were put on the backburner after Perikatan Nasional and Barisan Nasional took over the administration.

Ecological Fiscal Transfer

Capitalise onEcological Fiscal Transfer (EFT) by increasing funding for forest financing up to at least RM1 billion to state governments as an incentive to ensure that forest reserves are not degazetted.

Marine Protection Areas

Increasing the percentage of Marine Protection Areas to 30% by 2030 to legally protect valuable areas from being exploited.

Transboundary Haze Act

Drafting the Transboundary Haze Act and reinforcing a cooperation framework among neighbouring countries with regards to enforcing  laws relating to pollution prevention.

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